Archive: January 1 - January 21 2004
Wednesday, January 21
Tuesday, January 20
Monday, January 19
Recommended Readin':
Sunday, January 18
This story from the Guardian explains how the recent trend of low-carb diets has led to a resurgence of the gout. I laugh when I read stuff like this, or the kid who got scurvy a while back because he consumed noting but chips and soda. I must say I admire someone who sticks to their weight loss regimen even if their digits threaten to fall off. That's commitment.
Friday, January 16
Speaking of documentaries, does anyone know what happened to Trekkies 2?
Thursday, January 15
Yeah, I laughed along at the recent Simpsons episode about making Springfield un-kid-friendly. Then I get an update from the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund about the wholly psychotic "Harmful to Minors" law that recently took effect in Michigan. It openly states that bookstores have more responsibility to "protect" children than their parents do. Wow.
In the meantime Jennifer just spent a day subbing at the local elementary school and has regaled me with tales of 8 year-old boys with ear studs and a second grade girl wearing a belly shirt to show off the tattoo at the base of her spine.
Wednesday, January 14
Tuesday, January 13
Recommended Readin':
Monday, January 12
Sunday, January 11
Saturday, January 10
Friday, January 9
Here's the plan: wait 'til the rest of the world hates us, drive the economy deeper into the shitter, and then we go to the moon and Mars...
Of course we could just take that money and give every techie a girl android...
Thursday, January 8
Wednesday, January 7
The award site for the 2004 Bloggies is up. I shamelessly request that all my friends (save those with their own sites, of course) nominate this humble yet well-read little page.
Assorted science fiction stuff from the last few days:
Tuesday, January 6
Recommended Readin':
Monday, January 5
Sunday, January 4
Friday, January 2
It is January.
Carry on.
Thursday, January 1